We’ve all felt that frustration when we hop on a website and it’s too hard to navigate, we don’t know what it’s trying to say or its slower than a snail. To make sure this doesn’t happen with your site, you might search something like web designer Adelaide to find some professional help…following the list below, these design elements will make sure your audience is engaged straight away and your web designer is on the right track!
1. Design for the user first
When designing a website sometimes we can get caught up in what we think is most important and what we think looks best…but usability for the audience is far more important. Don’t prioritise your website ranking over usability, instead, make sure it’s engaging and easy to move through, bringing the user back again.
2. Colour Palette
Utilising a colour palette throughout the website can easily keep your audience engaged, but too many colours can be distracting. Think more two to three colours rather than the entire rainbow…If your branding and logo uses colours, incorporate these into your site further enhancing your brand.
3. Plenty of White Space
White space doesn’t have to be white, but is actually ‘empty’ space. Just because you may have lots of information to share, don’t provide it all in one hit. Spacing between text and imagery guides the attention of the user whereas if the site is crowded, this can overwhelm them. When you’re looking for a web designer, Adelaide, make sure they use this tip!
4. Typography
Today, the type of font used for the brand name easily distinguishes the company from its competitors. Regardless of which font you use, enlarging bolding or even underlining can direct the user from one section to another purely based on the typography and font size.
5. Relevant calls to action
Call-to-action guides the site user with where to go next, whether it’s to make contact with your business, join a mailing list, or access free downloadable content. Only include calls to action relevant to your content and throughout different areas of the site.
6. Imagery
Using imagery not only breaks up the written information, but can tell your story without have to write it in the first place. Using images throughout whether scattered or as a ‘hero’ image (which is a large image in the background of content), this will grab the user’s attention keeping them engaged.
7. Videos
Our brains work in different ways, so instead of reading through text some people prefer to absorb information with audio visual content. Videos can help the user understand your website without actually having to read anything and can be consumed very quickly! At Marketing Sweet as a top web designer in Adelaide, we can even make one for you!
8. Speed Optimisation
Another reason to not overload your site with too many images is how long the site takes to load. You don’t have to have as many images and videos as possible, just keep in mind how much time these may take to load on different browsers whether mobile or desktop.
9. Information Accessibility
Not all visitors come to your site to find out more about everything that you have to offer. They many only need to grab quick phone number, email address or have just come to find out a small bit of info. Keeping key information easily visible in plain sight whether near the top banner or at the bottom makes you and your company as accessible as your website.
10. Hamburger Menu
No, you don’t have to be selling food to utilise this design element on your website…The hamburger menu is a well-recognised symbol that looks like three lines stacked on top of one another. When it is clicked, it will drop down a menu or more information, keeping the site neat and tidy.