You might have an awesome website design along with visibility on a number of different social media platforms, but these mean nothing if your visitors are just visitors and not customers. If you want to transform your website into a customer or lead generation machine, these following social proof ideas will ensure your visitors make the next click!

1. Reviews
You can easily explain everything your business is capable of doing for the client and why your head sits above water on top of everyone else, but reviews really put the proof in the pudding. Whether this is Facebook reviews or Google reviews, these can improve your credibility and be the point of difference between the visitor making the click to be one of your clients.
2. Testimonials
Similar to reviews, testimonials can drive more conversions as well as instil your brand loyalty. There are a few different types of testimonials including a quote, a quote or piece of text with a photo or a video version. Regardless of the format, as long as it highlights the value of the product or service and their level of satisfaction from this, testimonials can definitely boost your conversion rate.
3. Endorsements
This doesn’t need to be an A list Hollywood celeb per say, but even the use of social media today can make endorsements from well-known people or brands far more accessible. Whether this is a paid or natural endorsement, this form of social proof can establish authority and credibility. This may even be from a well-known person who you’ve worked with previously or a social media influencer, not only increasing conversion but general awareness of your brand.
4. Media Mentions
Whether you’ve been mentioned in an article in the paper, online or a magazine, this is worth mentioning to your audience as well. This may be a bit trickier than sharing your reviews and testimonials but making yourself accessible for interviews or sharing information to any media outlets is a great way to increase your chances of a media mention! If any form of media has shared a review, this is another great way to increase your conversions.
5. Galleries
Show off what you’ve got! Whether you provide a product or service, showcase what you’ve provided on your website and social media platforms as well. You can showcase a product being used by your customers or the outcome of your service that was provided. Customers will usually go searching for this anyway so ensure it is easy to find on your site as well.
6. Client Case Studies
Case studies tend to be more formal in nature but can provide a more in-depth piece of social proof if your client is looking for it. They tend to be more reputable than just a review or testimonial as it usually encompasses what the client sought after, the process and what they received afterwards instead of just their general response. Not every visitor will look for something as in depth as a case study but they are necessary to provide for the visitors who do!